6 Tips for Home Health OTs to be Less Frazzled and More Potent: Finding your OT Sweet Spot this Year

6 Occupational Therapy Burnout Tips for Home Health

Let’s dig into strategies to help avoid the occupational therapy burnout and find your flow when working in home health as an OT practitioner

Why? It’s been long enough, that’s why. Really. When enough is enough, things finally change.

Learn 6 ways to address occupational therapy burnout in home health and find your flow... | OTflourish.com

You sigh about that backpacking trip (you haven’t made time to take) and moan about the stack of bills that you owe Nelnet, AccessGroup, WellsFargo, and SallyMae. You wanna say yes to the overdue dance night, yet rest assured you know details about that new diagnosis.

You’ve been dreaming long enough. Plus, now (after reading this article) you’ve got do-it-today tips to address the little (or big) stressors that have been making walking a lap of life feel like the hurdles.

Let’s get started. Any of this ring a bell?

Real thoughts I’ve had.

“Uhh, what exercise?… Occupational therapy burnout is realDo I hate being an occupational therapist? This is a LOT of paper and my system for organizing it sucks… There’s gotta be a way to drive and talk on the phone WITHOUT getting a ticket and sounding like I’m in a cave…There have GOT to be more simple ways to document…  I wonder (as a home health OT) what truck drivers do to keep entertained while driving…”

After first feeling crazy, then realizing I’m an OT and I’ve got game… I mean… strategies – I got resourceful.

Here’s to hoping these shortcuts help you too, find your sweet spot and help you with your occupational therapy burnout too.


1.“I’ll call ya back, just saw a cop. And no, I’m not in a cave.”

Let’s say you’ve really gotta get driving to the next errand and need to call the patient’s (or your own) daughter. Take a deep breath and consider getting a bluetooth earpiece.  (Personal fav: Plantronics Earpiece) A good bluetooth earpiece will allow you to talk hands free, for 6 hours straight while blocking out the car sounds or those other embarrassing background sounds.

2. “If only I didn’t have to do paperwork.”

To do list. Eval summary. You name it, we write it. Save your sanity and create an electronic template (aka shortcut). Add, copy, and paste with this sucker every day.  I have one titled “Notes and To Dos” and one titled “Evals.”

Here are the quick steps to making your own:

  • Open a Word document (or a similar program).
  • Save the document to an easily accessible location on your computer with a slick title.
  • Fill this document with all the mundane topics or outlines you usually re-type or address every day. Mine includes a section for: daily to dos, orders to follow up on, topics to research, outlines for evaluations, discharges, and cognitive assessment summaries.
  • RE-SAVE IT after updating it.
  • As needed, copy and paste outlines out from this document into other documents.


For example:When I prepare for a new eval, I open the my Eval template which has an outline for a Home Health OT Eval, then I add to it as I research past medical history, interview the client and do skilled observations/assessments.

I re-save the document as I work, then paste the final draft into the required electronic assessment form at my company.  Using word and a template saves me time, SANITY, keeps me focused (not an easy task) and allows me to modify the data lickity-split.

3. “Why isn’t there a better way to organize all these papers?”

I have the pleasure, mmm maybe better said as opportunity, to still be using paper scheduling as a home health OT. This being said, I carry file folders with forms galore and try to be slick about easy access to them all.

If this sounds like you, save yourself some stress and try Pendaflex Poly View Folders. Durable, water/coffee proof, clear. Keep them a bit more private and organized with this accordion folder.  The accordion folder helps you keep your class AND at least a dozen OT toolkit handouts easily organized as you take a seat to introduce yourself at the eval.

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4. “…What exercise?”

After falling out of my yoga routine with a wrist injury, I was introduced to Barre3. It’s an OT-friendly workout (aka highly adaptable for all body types, abilities, and energy levels) available online in 10, 30, 40 and 60 minute segments or in studio for 60 minute classes. Your rump will rise. (Really!) It’s even inspired a new way to grade tricep dips for the injured shoulder.  

After all, more potent is the OT who walks the talk (not just talks about how important exercise is to that new client). The more you take care of YOU, the more potent your OT practice will be. I’d bet money on it.

5. “Squirrel!”

If there’s one place my mind was most likely to represent a pixie-stick-lovin’ monkey, it was in the car. There had to be a more peaceful, less distracted and stressful way.  Turns out there are practices that help. Enrolling in a mindfulness course and developing a meditation routine have proved to be helpful, and now I highly recommend them to you.  

Please compassionately stop doing seven things at once. Do one. Invest time (and money, if necessary) to learn the skills of BEing, not just doing. I could yap all day about the “beauty of being” BUT If you want to really find your sweet spot (I’m convinced it’s waiting to find you), consider learning about meditation, mindfulness and/or flow.

6. “Whuh, whuh, whuh…Get with the moment!”

Bored on the drive? Tap the podcast! My newest favorite podcast is groundbreaking for OTs working with older adults and is called the OT Flourish podcast. (Big fist pump and high five to Mandy on that one!) Other favorites include Ted Radio Hour, The Minimalists, and 10% Happier.

Wanna go deeper and learn to be more present during the drive? Study up on flow, meditation, and or mindfulness to help make even a silent drive enjoyable.  

PS I can’t review it YET, but it is in my May onward budget (only $24.99)  to become a member of OT Accelerator (and looks to be VERY helpful for the OT practicing with older adults).

Regardless of your area of practice, I am wishing you a life lived from your sweet spots and compassion for the moments that seem bitter.

About our Guest Blogger:

Monika Lukasiewicz, OTR/L, Till and Water LLC, takes what helps in her own OT practice, and creates potent content to help you, her fellow OT. She believes that as you, the OT, are taken care of and grounded, your clients and practice will naturally flourish.

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