OT Diversity, Inclusivity and Implicit Bias

OT Diversity, Implicit Bias and Inclusivity

How can we as occupational therapy practitioners be more client center through awareness of our own implicit biases? Stephanie Lancaster OTR, shares tips and resources on ways we can learn more about OT diversity, inclusivity and help us be better practitioners.

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What is OT Diversity?

Diversity in occupational therapy is all about recognizing and respecting the unique differences among individuals. It means understanding that everyone is different and that no two people are the same. It means embracing the diversity of cultures, beliefs, and experiences that make each person unique. It also means recognizing that each person has something valuable to contribute to the field of occupational therapy. Diversity in occupational therapy is about creating a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can learn, grow, and thrive.

Resources from the Show:

Mitigating Implicit Bias in Health Care – https://u.osu.edu/breakingbias/related-resources/
The 7-Day Bias Cleanse – http://www.lookdifferent.org/what-can-i-do/bias-cleanse
Project Implicit – https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) – https://www.cotad.org/
Understanding Implicit Bias – https://www.nationalequityproject.org/free-webinars/implicit-bias

Connect with Stephanie Via Twitter @theoutloudot and check out her podcast, On the Air

This episode of the OT Flourish Podcast is brought to you by Promenaid

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Thanks for Listening!

I appreciate you taking the time to join me this week talking about OT diversity and implicit bias.

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