As a new grad occupational therapy practitioner new to working with older adults, it can be hard, heck, I might even throw in there Level II Fieldwork students too, but this doesn’t have to be the case!
Yes, there is a learning curve to a new population you are working with, a setting you have never worked before or even an entirely new computer system to navigate. It can stressful, but I am going to share 7 tips to help you feel successful in your occupational therapy career, especially if you are new to working in a skilled nursing facility or home health.
New Grad Occupational Therapy Practitioner Tips, New to an Older Adult Setting:
1. Give yourself grace
We are humans and growing: be patient, focus on the positives, remember you are learning and no one expects you to know everything. Your first job does not have to be your forever job or even forever population that you work this. This is a time to explore.
2. Align yourself with positive, competent people as a new grad occupational therapy practitioner
Connect with occupational therapy Facebook groups, join state and national OT organizations and/or memberships like the OT Accelerator, where you will find support and others that have the same professional drive, likemindedness and others that are also wanting to learn and grow. Join your local occupational therapy meetups or even just connect with fellow healthcare workers at your facility that display positive work practices.
This has been not only the most influential part of my own OT journey, but has helped with burnout and it keeps me inspired!
3. Show initiative
- Ask all the questions.
- Be open to observing procedures.
- Volunteer or let them know you want to be a part of program development.
- Ask more questions.
- Do your research on new diagnoses, treatment ideas, mediations, etc.
- ASK QUESTIONS! (see a theme?!)
- If you are part of professional memberships, Facebook groups, organizations – use them and be proactive in your professional development and participation.
4. Be a lifelong learner
Occupational therapy is not a stagnant profession. There are so many ways to learn and sharpen your skills like:
- Continuing Education Credits (CEUs), I love and use both
- MedBridge Education
- (even wrote an entire blog post into the pros and cons of it here)
- Membership organizations to help develop your skills and support – OT Accelerator, participate in facility lunch and learns or even facility or state OT association journal clubs
5. Manage stress
Definitely can be easier said than done, but remember, being a healthcare professional is what you do, it is not what you are.
We all have hard days. Reflect on what recharges you and helps prevent burnout!
6. Connect with your patients
At the end of the day, even if you feel like it was not a successful OT day, it’s those relationships that mean the most. They will help you feel confident and like you are making a difference, even if you don’t feel like it.
THAT is success!
7. Have fun!
Even if you don’t feel like you know everything, which not everyone does, occupational therapy can be a fun profession.
Make it!
As a new grad occupational therapy practitioner, get:
- creative
- listen to your patients
- see what their likes are
- what is meaningful to your patients (the core of OT)
- connection, laughter, games, stories, silliness, etc.
If you are having fun, your patients are more likely to be having fun!
Get ideas from reliable, evidence based sources like the OT Accelerator, or use theory to guide interventions with your creative spirit.
2 thoughts on “7 Tips For Success As A New Grad Occupational Therapy Practitioner”
Tips are interesting
Hope they were helpful Calister!