Our patients need to be challenged in exercise when it comes to occupational therapy for Parkinson’s Disease! In this episode, Chad Moir, OTS discusses how he is honoring his mother’s legacy by helping others live with PD – working with them with exercise and the Rock Steady program. Plus, how he integrates wellness groups and social support for his clients, all while finishing up his degree in occupational therapy for patients with parkinson’s disease.
He is helping them live life to the fullest!
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Resources from the Show on Occupational Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease:
Boxing Training for Patients With Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Series.
This episode of the Seniors Flourish Occupational Therapy Podcast is sponsored by the Rapael Smart Glove by Neofect USA
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation with a focus on patients with a stroke, TBI or other ailments that have caused limited mobility in the hand, wrist, and fingers.
Check to see if the Smart Glove is a good fit for your patients: www.rapaelhome.com
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